🌊 Adjust Your Sails - Alexander Technique for Uncertain Times

🌊 Adjust Your Sails - Alexander Technique for Uncertain Times 

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🌊 The wind is blowing, friends. I can feel it. And I can feel you feeling it. We are feeling each other. And yet, somehow we are holding our ground together. We are adapting. We are adjusting our sails. 

🌊 Sometimes resilience doesn’t feel like resilience. Sometimes it feels like being pushed backward. Sometimes it feels like getting the wind knocked out of you.  Sometimes it feels like giving up. Surrendering. 

🌊 This is a time of loss. Of grieving and letting go and adapting and adjusting and learning and moving forward and being apart and together and connecting. This is a time of newness and not knowing. This is a time of uncharted waters and adjusting our sails.  

🌊 The Alexander Technique invites us to venture into the unknown, and offers us awareness of what is, and the opportunity to choose how to respond. I’m gently inviting you to listen to what you’re body is asking for in this moment. Where do you feel the storm in your body?  Where do you feel the wind buffeting you?  What would happen if you moved with the storm?  Dance the storm. Allow it to rage within you and move through you. For as long and as loud as you need to, let it rage and buffet. Trust your beautiful system to adjust its sails.  This might be resilience today. 


🌱 The next online PWYC #CommunitySession is Friday, April 10th: Voice Play (physical stretching and some interactive vocal improv)

Register by e-mail: alisonjanetaylorstudio@gmail.com 

🌱 You can join the Exploration Community on Facebook to stay connected with like-minded folks and find out about upcoming workshops and classes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2512473488968237/





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