SenseAble Offerings


Are you interested in exploring a more structured way of working together around a specific topic, i.e.: Alexander Technique basics, setting up a work environment that supports you better, breath awareness, or easing back into singing after some time away?

Scroll down to peruse SenseAble Series options.

Curious about co-creating a workshop or group class? Click here for more information.

Click below for one:one options.


Being with Nature

Outdoor Sessions

Being With Nature: Outdoor Sessions combine the mindful awareness and exploration of conventional movement sessions, with the pleasures and expansiveness of being in nature.  Sessions could involve conscious movement, walking, and/or resting in a natural setting.

SenseAble Singing

Embodied Voice Sessions

SenseAble Singing sessions are out-of-the-box voice lessons that fuse vocal technique, movement, sensory awareness, Wholeness in Motion explorations, and Alexander Technique principles to support your whole-self integration: mind, body, and voice.


Wholeness and Integration Sessions

SenseAble movement sessions invite you to recognize and (re)assess your habitual tendencies of movement and behaviour, so that you can speak/breath/move with vitality, flexibility, and spontaneity.  Change emerges from awareness.


SenseAble Series

SenseAble series are more structured ways of working together that offer the support of a specific topic, such as exploring breathing techniques, creating bespoke vocal and/or physical warmups/cooldowns, cultivating restful daily practices to recuperate and/or invigorate …

Each series could include 4-6 sessions in which we begin to explore a topic together. We might decide to continue working together, either going deeper into your chosen topic, and/or exploring a new topic.

These sessions are inspired by courses and workshops I’ve offered in the past, and often include:

  • slides presentations

  • PDF resources

  • YouTube videos

  • co-created resources that we compile together

SenseAble series are a great way to begin working together if we’ve never worked together before, and also a wonderful option if you’d like to take a new direction in your regular lessons.

When you schedule your consultation, you’ll have the option of selecting one of these series on the Intake Questionnaire.

These sessions are the same fee as regular SenseAble sessions: CAD $120/60min


what IS the alexander technique?

explore an overview of the alexander technique process

learn how to start applying AT principles to your daily life

bring awareness to your unconscious tendencies and misconceptions about yourself and your body

rediscover innate ease in your daily movements

your voice is medicine

experiment with humming, buzzing, toning as a way to recuperate your voice and body after a time of intense use

ease back into vocalizing if you’ve taken some time away

meeting yourself where you are

clarify your typical stress responses through the lens of wholeness

understand your physical sensations and develop a relationship with your system’s signals and messages as guides rather than problems to be fixed

you breathe and are breathed

explore breath awareness through embodiment and movement in a supportive and playful space, through the lens of wholeness

lightly touch into various established breathing techniques (i.e.: alternate nostril breathing, 3-dimensional breathing, etc.) to savour the awareness they have to offer


Stay tuned for more series!