🦚 Alexander Technique and Unlearning

🦚 Alexander Technique and Unlearning

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🦚 I spent most of my singing career trying to learn what to DO in order to be a better singer.  I worked very hard and tried diligently to do what I was told, and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t produce the sounds my teachers and directors were asking for.  I started to develop pain and tension while singing. Eventually I lost my voice completely and I all I could muster was a squeak. 

🦚 I wonder if anything about this doing and trying cycle resonates with you?

🦚 The Alexander Technique gives me infinite opportunities to do LESS. My teachers’ skilled hands provide a kinaesthetic experience of singing with less muscular effort.  The principles of this work provide me with new tools to assess my singing experience when I get stuck. This work gives me choices I didn’t know I had before when I was stuck in a doing and trying cycle.  I’m empowered in a new way. 

🦚 I’m much kinder with myself now, and I have a better understanding of my structure so that I can allow my system to work as it’s designed to work. The Alexander Technique supports me in my life-long learning of UNlearning the old ways of thinking and being that no longer serve me. 





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