🌱 How You Take Care of Yourself 🌱

Gestalt cycle.png

The Gestalt cycle of experience demonstrates the process of how we take care of ourselves. It is a process of self-regulation, outlining the steps we take - conscious or unconscious - to find and maintain inner balance.  

Needs can be emotional (belonging, safety, connection) or physical (hunger, thirst, too hot/cold). 

The self-regulation process moves from becoming aware of a need (i.e. thirst), mobilizing toward meeting that need (getting up to get a glass of water), recognizing when that need is satisfied (no longer thirsty), and withdrawing and moving on (checking in with yourself to see what else you need in this moment). 

Some needs we can meet on our own (grabbing a snack when hungry), and some we will require outside support (setting a broken bone at the hospital). The type of support will of course vary from person to person (a toddler may need help getting a snack, while an able-bodied adult may be more self-actualized). Our ongoing work is to recognize when β€œI got this” will work (self-support), and when to ask for help (environmental support). 

We are constantly changing and growing. Our needs are constantly shifting. As our self-awareness develops, and we gain more life and interrelationship skills, we become more resilient and interconnected with ourselves and the world. We become more able to ask for help, and because we are more supported, we can show up to support others. 

To learn more about how to use your body sensations and awareness to take better care of your whole self, book a chat with me today:
