👅 Unfurl Your Tongue

👅 Unfurl Your Tongue

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👅 The tongue: what an incredible, dexterous, expressive muscle.  There are so many communicative phrases associated with the tongue: slip of the tongue, tongue in cheek, cat got your tongue, tongue-tied ... You get it: the tongue is important to our self-expression. 

👅 Bringing awareness to the fullness of the tongue can allow emotional and articulative (word?) freedom and ease. 

👅 After some jaw awareness exploration and gentle release work (see my many jaw videos!), you can invite your tongue to the party with some easy stretches. Release the jaw from its hinge, allowing the molars to part and the lips to part. Gently unfurl the tongue outside of the mouth, like a hose rolling over a wheel. Then reel it back in slowly. Repeat this a few times, inviting ease to the jaw. Incorporate a sigh of relief or some sound. 

👅 Now sing something, preferably with text or some consonants. What feels different?





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