🐒 Honouring Where You’re At - Alexander Technique for Finding Stillness (When You’re Feeling the Opposite Of Still!)
🐒 Calm. Stillness. Grounded. Feeling your breath move in and out of your body. Sounds nice, right? But what if you’re feeling the opposite of calm? What if you’re bouncing off the walls or feeling stuck? Or super amped?
🐒 I co-created this practice with a student who came into her lesson apologizing for being full of energy because this work is about “being calm and still.”
🐒 Is it? Or is this work about honouring where you’re at? Right now. In THIS moment. Not where you wish you were or where you were last lesson, but where you’re at in the here and now. And making space for ALL of you.
🐒 So if you’ve got ants in your pants, dance with them. Move your body. Let those ants jiggle and and lurch and lunge you around the room until you’ve redirected all of that wonderful energy into something new. And THEN see what (relative) stillness feels like. For you. In THIS moment.
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