🤲 Alexander Technique and Active Receiving - VIDEO edition


🤲 Alexander Technique and Active Receiving



🤲 This video is a follow up to a blog post I created a few weeks ago. 

🤲 Today I’m asking myself, am I open to receiving?  Do I have grasping hands, or do I have receptive hands?  Do I have fixing hands, or do I have listening hands?

🤲 As an Alexander Technique teacher, these questions are important. When I use my hands to make contact with my student, I am meeting the person’s wholeness with my wholeness.  When I’m working with students online, I am receiving the other person with my whole self, not just my eyes. I can begin to expand my awareness and receptivity through my hands. 

🤲 Try this: find a place to sit quietly with yourself. Allow your hands to rest palm-up on your thighs. Place a small, pleasing object in one hand. How do you experience that object through your touch?  How does this experience impact your whole self?  Your breath?  Your voice?

🤲 Now try this: place your open palm on your chest. “Listen” with your hand, with no agenda, no need to fix or change anything. How do you experience yourself through your touch?  Sing something as you continue to “listen” through your touch. What do you notice?





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