welcome to SenseAble singing and movement with alison taylor
SenseAble singing and movement:
where singing is movement
and your voice is your body
voice + wholeness in motion + alexander technique
A learning space for singers and voice-users who want to understand what “your body is your instrument” really means to them.
Support for artists, educators, and creative spirits who want to build awareness around ease, balance, and vitality in their art, work, and life.
An opportunity to learn, grow, and change with someone who has experienced a singer’s journey - from the inside out.
Hello, my name is Alison and my pronouns are she/her. Welcome.
SenseAble Singing fuses vocal technique, body awareness, and movement principles to support your whole-self awareness without separating mind, body, and voice.
What is "embodied” voice work?
For me, embodied means using our bodies and ourselves - sensations, movements, thoughts, feelings, spatial awareness - as a support for deepening our understanding and strengthening connection to our self and our voice, as a means of expression, communication, and connecting to others.
My approach is process-oriented rather than outcomes-oriented. This work does not provide a quick fix, but rather an opportunity to expand your awareness about what’s happening with your “instrument,” which allows your practice to lead you to more choice and freedom.
Hello, I’m Alison.
I am a singer, voice teacher, Wholeness in Motion practitioner, and Certified Alexander Technique teacher in Toronto, ON.
I support singers and passionate voice-explorers (and non-singers, too!) to come back to their senses in order to bring new awareness, ease, and spontaneity into their singing and daily life.
SenseAble Singing sessions are out-of-the-box voice lessons that involve using sound-making and body awareness to explore your voice as a means of self-expression and vitality.
1:1 sessions
Group Classes
Playshops and Exploratoriums (out-of-the-box workshops)
Although our work together won’t address posture directly, many SenseAble participants experience postural and functional changes as a result of fine-tuning self-awareness, leading to deep and lasting change.
working together
There are many ways that we can work together to explore ease and vitality in your voice, your body, and everyday life. In other words: your whole self.
Click on the images below to learn more about Being With Nature outdoor sessions, SenseAble Singing sessions, and Movement sessions.
I also offer workshops and group classes, which you can learn more about here.
a little bit more about me…
Hi. It’s nice to be with you. I would like to share a bit of my personal story, as a way of introducing myself, and sharing my experience.
Before I found my way to Alexander Technique (AT) and Wholeness in Motion (WIM) work over 20 years ago, I was walking around with a secret: I felt like a "bad" singer. Like, all the time.
My voice cracked often and I didn’t know what was wrong with my voice. I was too embarrassed to audition for choir solos.
I had persistent dull aches and pains in my head, neck, shoulders, and back, no matter how hard I tried to correct my posture.
I felt exhausted at the end of every day, and never felt truly rested. I felt uncomfortable in my body a lot of the time. I didn't really know or trust my body.
As I’m imagining you reading these words, I’m wondering,
What has your relationship with your voice and body been like?
Here is what I've found out about myself, and have come to support in others:
The movement skills and whole-self awareness I learned through AT and WIM work have really changed my singing experiences.
I often sing with confidence, self-assurance, and joy. I can meet myself - including my voice! - where I am at, instead of trying to change or fix something to be “better.”
I often feel more at ease in performance because I have a new trust in my instrument and feel more at home in myself.
I have discovered stamina and energy because I am more aware of when I am working too hard or inefficiently. I stopped being so hard on myself by understanding the signals my system was sending me.
Singing often feels easy, good, and (gasp!) FUN.
On a regular day, I continue to explore my own voicemindbodyself relationship through daily movement and sound-making: Alexander Technique, Wholeness in Motion with Babette Lightner, and relational sound-making improvisation with my wonderful colleague, Maureen Batt. My one:one teaching and group classes and workshops incorporate some of all of the above.
This is what I’ve found to be the most supportive for my personal and teaching process.
I’m excited to co-create the best and most nourishing environment for YOUR awareness and experience to blossom and expand!